SRECs are super easy with RECmint. We offer fully automated monthly reporting, low transaction costs, and the best pricing. Call us or take the first step to sign up.
The 6 Step Process To Getting Paid For SRECs
Once these 6 steps are completed, you'll be set to receive SREC deposits.

What is the SREC sign-up and onboarding process?
It goes like this: (1) Sign up and answer some basic questions. (2) Sign a form. (3) Allow time for your installer to provide us your system details, or add them yourself. (4) Set up automatic energy reporting for your solar system (a 3-click process). (5) Link your bank account for direct deposit. (6) Optionally, select a special contract. ... That's it. It can take less than a month to receive your first payment.
First, we make sure we have all the details we need to register your system in GATS, the regional SREC tracking system that Virginia uses.
Next, we register your system in GATS. We register systems on a rolling basis. It takes GATS a week or so to let us know your system was approved.
While we’re getting your system registered in GATS, we make sure we have access to your energy data. We can get you set up to report your energy automatically via API, which makes the reporting process a breeze and greatly minimizes effort on your part.
Once your system is approved in GATS, we will submit your first energy report to the tracking system at the beginning of the following month. This initial submission may include several months of backlog or retroactive energy readings.
Then, after a week or so, your SRECs are minted in the tracking system and we collect them in your account.
Now that SRECs are minted and accounted for, we can transact them for you. The timing of the first payment depends on what contract you signed.
Sellers on a Mint & Sell contract will generally see a transaction within 1-3 months of their first SRECs being minted. Annuity+ sellers will receive their initial payment within 45 days of their first SRECs minting. Same for 15-the year upfront contracts.
In sum, the time between signup and receiving a first payment will range from 40-70 days depending on the time of year and point in the month when GATS approves your system registration.