You've found the region's fastest-growing and easiest SREC aggregator. Let's get you set up to mint & sell yours.
With RECmint, we automatically gather your energy data and mint SRECs for you. You won't need to log in each month and shuttle numbers between websites. RECmint connects to all major inverters and PJM GATS.
I had no idea how to take advantage of SRECs. RECmint really made it easy to understand and transparency really made a difference. It was easy to sign up and easy to trust we would get the best price.
Jason, Alexandria, VA
Full-service SREC aggregation
Nearly all solar owners get help from an SREC aggregator to receive incentive payments. If this is your first time exploring SRECs and choosing an aggregator, here are some things you might consider.
Get answers to your questions.
These are the top five questions we routinely get. Read all FAQs