SRECs are super easy with RECmint. We offer fully automated monthly reporting, low transaction costs, and the best pricing. Call us or take the first step to sign up.
I'm concerned I won't have enough energy to make SRECs.
SRECs certify the total energy your system produces, not your excess energy.

Are SRECs made from my excess energy or total energy production?
We often get questions about this. Some people assume that SRECs are only made from "surplus" or "excess" energy after they've consumed their share. Not the case. SRECs are certificates that prove how much renewable energy a system makes in absolute terms, not the "net". For example, if your system made 1350 kWh in a month, and you were credited for 500 kWh surplus on your electric bill, all 1350 kWh goes toward creating SRECs. Minting and selling your SRECs will not affect your electric/utility bill.